species-specific — Characteristic of a given species; serum that is produced by the injection of immunogens into an animal, and that acts only upon the cells, protein, etc., of a member of the same species as that from which the original antigen was obtained. * * * … Medical dictionary
species-specific — | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective : exhibiting or characterized by species specificity a species specific reaction * * * /spee sheez spi sif ik, spee seez /, adj. Ecol. associated with or limited to one species only … Useful english dictionary
species-specific — /spee sheez spi sif ik, spee seez /, adj. Ecol. associated with or limited to one species only. * * * … Universalium
species-specific antigens — antigens restricted to a single species and found in all members of the species … Medical dictionary
-specific — [spə sif′ik] combining form limited or specific to, characteristic of (a specified thing or person) [species specific] * * * … Universalium
-specific — [spə sif′ik] combining form limited or specific to, characteristic of (a specified thing or person) [species specific] … English World dictionary
Species-typical behavior — or species specific behavior is a concept in ethology. It refers to behavior that is commonly engaged in by members of a species. Fixed action patterns are a type of species typical behavior … Wikipedia
Видоспецифичное поведение (species-specific behavior) — Мн. поведенческие модели животных присущи всем представителям вида и развиваются без к. л. специфического опыта научения. Иногда эти модели (или паттерны) называют В. п. Однако тех, кто начинает изучать видоспецифичные поведенческие модели,… … Психологическая энциклопедия
specific — adj. & n. adj. 1 clearly defined; definite (has no specific name; told me so in specific terms). 2 relating to a particular subject; peculiar (a style specific to that). 3 a of or concerning a species (the specific name for a plant). b possessing … Useful english dictionary
specific — 1. Relating to a species. SEE ALSO: s. epithet. 2. Relating to an individual infectious disease, one caused by a special microorganism. 3. A remedy having a definite therapeutic action in relation to a particular disease or symptom … Medical dictionary
specific — specifically, adv. /spi sif ik/, adj. 1. having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite: to state one s specific purpose. 2. specified, precise, or particular: a specific sum of money. 3. peculiar or proper … Universalium